


A series of new technologies, financial psychologies and philosophies, so you can get better equipped on shifting and if not transforming your relationship to money, your wealth and your worth.


Here is a sample of what kind a value these calls can be for you


In this seminar, you will start the shift to understanding that your action is the source of your wealth. Richard will explain plainly, the 7 Financial Stages that move you from disorientation and into performance. In the same spirit, he will explain the 4 biggest fears that people have about money and where your financial blind spots may exist that are holding you back. Don’t worry, everyone goes through these stages and Richard will help you navigate it and build your financial game. Remember, it is okay to aim and accomplish one thing at a time.

So what do you say? Why don’t we play together? Join me live every week as we bring you

Free Weekly Access every Wednesday at 4:30PM EST


Richard Dolan

"The Coach of Coaches"

Billions Raised. Millions Reached.
Thousands Shared. Hundreds Endorsed.

Richard is a seven-figure earning coach, mentor, author, and speaker. He produces thought leadership on the conditions for optimizing human performance derived from research areas such as performance psychology, neuroscience, happiness economics and investor resilience and applies it to human beings obsessed with results such as entrepreneurs, workplace leaders, global brands and investors.

He has applied ‘performance-based thinking’ to over twelve publications on subjects such as wealth, branding, business, leadership, personal and professional success, life and motivation.

Richard’s urban financial life philosophy is based on the premise that life is a game. We play the game for fun or to win. And that is a conscious act and decision. The moment you decide you want to play to win, the next question is: are you playing like an amateur or like a professional?

The moment you get that getting your relationship right with money, wealth and worth starts with your views on how to play the game, the opportunity to really win emerges.